Monday, August 21, 2006

Radar zoom

The circle marker in the radar display is now moving according to the current waypoint and it's possible to change between 15, 30, 60 and 120 km zoom. I've been told that the way I control the circle marker with the handle on the radar panel is wrong, but it's not a very big problem since at the moment you can't use this function for radar fixes anyway.

Here is a film of some flying and a landing at a road base.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Long time no progress?

I haven't updated the blog for some time now, but that doesn't mean there has been no progress. The video marker in the radar display program (CI) is working and you can control it with the handle on the radar panel.

Here is a film showing this.

The navigation system is starting to work and it is now possible to give the flight computer waypoints through the datapanel. The HUD, the radar display and some other gauges is then feeding the pilot with instructions where to fly.

Here is a film of the working data panel and displays.

Typing positions for waypoint by latitude and longitude is a bit tedious so I hope to implement reference number input. I also look forward to do the instrument landing system TILS.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Three programs

Short about the progress. We now have three stand alone programs (CK,SI and CI) that communicates with each other and the simulator through FSUIPC. We're still bug testing to make sure we haven't lost any functionality when we split the program into three. To communicate with each other the programs use some "free" offsets in FSUIPC that is not used by any other system we use.

The communications between the hardware (buttons, switches and numeric displays) is also handled with these offsets in contrast to emulated keyboard input as we used to have. At the moment we have an 8 bit offset reserved for key codes from the cockpit but it can easily be expanded if 256 different buttons is not enough. This progress means that I can start working on the navigation system.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Flying with friends

Another film from the cockpit. This time some of the people involved in this project flew an online session together to practise some formation flying.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Viggen full throttle

Here is a film showing many of the current features in the simulator. Engine startup, HUD, gauges and much more.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Radar display

The altitude calculations seems to work properly with the exception of the radar altimeter needs some low pass filter. Unfortunately I haven't been working much on the HUD program for some time as all my time has been spent on the radar display (CI). The result is a decent version of this new program with the basic symbology and some kind of eye candy radar sweep. Since there is no radar simulation the sweep has no other function than to give the feeling of having a radar.

Here is a film of the radar display.