Finally I got some time for my sim projects again.
The priority is at the moment (as usually) SUL37. And in this case I'm trying to implement the functionality of reference numbers. Instead of entering latitude, longitude, runway direction etc into the flight computer, most airbases has a number that refer to all needed data. I hope to have this finished in time for the air display event here in Gothenburg 30th-31th August. This will in turn open up for TILS simulation and make instrument landings possible. Unfortunately I suffer from some bad design decisions i took early in the development. I'll see if I'll be able to work around these or if I need to redo some old stuff. I've also moved the whole CK37 to Borland Builder. I'm not sure that was a wise decision though. I did it because the GUI stuff is easy to make in Builder and because it has some vital XML support, but I doubt I really gained that much. In the long run I would like to do my own GUI in OpenGL or something similar and not have to rely on any particular development environment or operating system. However the gain of such a decision could also be argued.
My MFD project is coming along slowly. I've been trying to find a Linux distribution that suits my needs and get it to work with my hardware. So far I've had no luck. On the hardware side, I've done a lot of research about what material to use for the box, how to achieve a good modularity and so on. This has made it possible to start making some CAD drawings to make sure everything fits and to get an idea of how it all will come together. However I have nothing to show at this moment.
I just started to work on weapons for FSX again. Sometimes it's a good idea to let a project rest for a while and get at it again with fresh ideas sometimes later. I've now forgot all the frustration I experienced last time I tried this. I've also decided to ignore the problems with the initial position of fired weapons this time. If I can achieve all other goals for the weapons, that will be a problem I can live with, and perhaps I might solve it along the way anyway.